Very important and unpublished group of Archangel Saint Raphael with Tobias, colonial school of New Granada from the 18th century, attributed to Pedro de Laboria (1700-1770), 18th century, Viceroyalty of New Granada, modern-day Colombia

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Precio base: €16,000

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Silver power crowning the set, polychrome, stewed and gilded wood. Overall measurements: 54 x 29 x 37 cm. Provenance: important private collection of an important decorator and antique dealer, Madrid. Pedro Laboria (around 1700-1770) was a Spanish sculptor born around 1700 in the Andalusian city of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, in the province of Cádiz. He trained in an Andalusian workshop, probably in Seville. In 1738 he settled in Santafé de Bogotá (Viceroyalty of the New Kingdom of Granada) where he worked mainly for the company of Jesus in the lands of the Viceroyalty of New Granada. Reference bibliography: Colombian art (1985). Francisco Gil Tovar. Louvre Museum, exhibition September 19, 2017 – January 18, 2018: “Pedro Laboria and Neogranadino Art”.